Written by Michele Wheat from Wristband Resources
Domestic violence is one of the fastest growing problems that are faced primarily by women today. In fact, nearly one in three women have faced some type of violence from a partner in their life. Domestic violence and abuse has been in the news more frequently recently, but it is still a crime that most victims keep silent about.
Domestic violence and abuse can take many different forms. Domestic violence can be summarized as defined by the FBI as "behavior in which one intimate partner uses physical violence, coercion, threats, intimidation, isolation, and emotional, sexual, or economic abuse to control the other partner in a relationship." Despite the dangers that the abused person is in, it is an issue that is not reported enough because of fear of retaliation.
Looking at the warning signs is a way that victims and others can spot possible abuse. The warning signs can vary from physical signs such as cuts, bruises, and broken bones to emotional signs such as a drastic change in mood. Friends and family should also be on the alert for these signs. If spotted, the victim should be urged to consider ways to be protected.
Domestic violence and abuse is a large problem in our society today and help is available. Many agencies are available to assist victims in removing them from the situation. If not, victims of domestic abuse are running the risk of serious injury or even death, to them or their children. Below are several resources to learn more about the problem of domestic violence and abuse. We hope this information can be helpful to you or others that are contending with an abusive relationship. Please feel free to share this information with others in need.
What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic Violence Statistics
Warning Signs of Abuse and Violence
Stopping and Helping Domestic Violence Victims
Domestic Abuse and Violence Resources