The fundamental objective of a wristband is to identify something about a person or object. Wristband product features such as customized designs, QR / barcodes, sequential numbering, etc., allow you to display the information pertinent to your particular use or event with ease and clarity. Therefore, it makes sense why wristbands used for temperature screening and body surface temperature screening efforts are so applicable.
Why Use Screening Wristbands?
Screening wristbands have been standard practice in hospitals, healthcare, and medical facilities for years. But with the recent emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, screening wristbands are being employed throughout various trades, businesses, and organizations, to help make safety visible and provide peace of mind. No matter your industry (construction, entertainment, hospitality, manufacturing, restaurants/bars, retail, etc.), screening wristbands only help to further flatten the curve.
3-Step COVID Screening Process
Consider our easily adoptable, 3-step coronavirus temperature screening process being implemented globally as companies and establishments reopen:
- All employees, customers, visitors, etc. are scanned with an infrared, non-touch temperature screening thermometer (colloquially known as non-contact and/or touch-free) to ensure the temperature is within an acceptable range. Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a fever is diagnosed as 100.4°F [38 °C] or greater.
- If the temperature is within an acceptable range, that individual is given a brightly colored Tyvek® wristband to wear throughout the day. Different colored Tyvek® wristbands should be assigned to the various days of the week to diminish and avoid repeat use / transferability.
- If the temperature registers above the safe range, that individual should be redirected to another area to have a direct temperature administered. If the temperature is still unsafe, that person should return home.
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