Silicone wristbands are one of our best-selling products for a number of reasons… for starters, in contrast to our Tyvek®, plastic, vinyl, and direct thermal styles, silicone wristbands can be worn repeatedly and permanently. They are the most similar to traditional bracelets in this sense because they have an infinite lifespan, whereas one-time-use bands cannot be reapplied once removed. They’re also popular choices because unlike conventional bracelets made from precious metals, beads, jewels, etc., they’re comprised of 100% silicone- a cost-conscious, consumer-friendly material. Elastic, durable, and waterproof, these bands maintain their strength and resiliency over time in some of the toughest conditions. Best of all, they are completely customizable. We offer over 100 colors & patterns including solid, segmented, swirl, and glow; 6 inscription methods including printed, debossed, ink injected, embossed, embossed printed, and color coat; 6 bandwidths ranging from ¼” all the way up to 2”; and add-ons including keychain conversion and individual bagging. If a reusable wristband is what you’re looking for, our silicone style is a guaranteed win!