Testicular Cancer

Lavender testicular cancer silicone wristband

Testicular cancer is one of the most common male cancers, but it takes a whole different demographic compared to most other cancers: adolescent males. Testicular cancer primarily occurs in males between 20-39, and is much more treatable than most other cancers: there is a 99% survival rate for the disease if it has not spread to the lymph nodes, and a 74% survival rate for those who do have the cancer spread around. Why is this so? Two words: early detection. It’s easier to detect testicular cancer than almost any other kind of cancer in its early stages. Simply look for a lump – if there is one, go get checked. While it’s not 100% cancer, it’s a good way to determine something is wrong. Staging is a quick affair – testicular cancer only moves to the lymph nodes – which is part of what makes the disease so survivable. If a lump is detected that ends up being cancer, there are a few routes, like for most cancers. Surgery is the cleanest option, with complete testicular removal as a common thread. Adjuvant treatment is also common to remove any residual cancer cells around the testicle. The combination of these two is often powerful enough to stop the cancer from spreading. The community around testicular cancer is one of relative unity – because most people with the disease survive, it doesn’t have the same pallor that hangs over most cancer- based communities. Many charities help support the disease. Show your support and get involved with this lavender wristband!


Source: morristechnology.com

Written by Michele Wheat